ENT is the branch of medical science that relates to conditions of the neck and head, especially focusing on Ear, Neck, and Throat. It is also known as Otolaryngology, and at JAHRC, we aim to cure the problems related to ENT through our team and affiliation with other NGOs and hospitals.
Our way of conducting ENT
ENT facilities are provided at JAHRC under the supervision of Dr AnshulGarg, who has been accompanying us for a year towards the fulfilment of our goal. He is specialised in treating patients with ENT emergencies, OPD, and surgeries. He has participated in various national and international conferences and continuously working on providing advanced solutions to ENT problems.
Changes brought by ENT
In the last one year, we have carried out different procedures regarding ENT issues according to the patients’ conditions, including treatment of throat cancer of the initial stage. We also guided patients with throat cancer to see specialised cancer centres to get the right treatment in time. In respect of meeting our aim to help people with disability, we have provided hearing aids at free of cost to those in need and cannot afford to buy one.
Our Efforts
The Department of ENT at JAHRC is fully equipped with latest technological assessment tools and hearing aids to help people overcome their issues. Our associations with other hospitals help patients to get the best possible treatment. Moreover, we aim to expand our horizons in future to provide our patients with such facilities under one roof.