Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical-based approach to treating various conditions. In acupuncture, hair-like thin needles are inserted into the skin of patients to cure different ailments.
Our way of conducting acupuncture
We use very fine hair thin silver needles to be put into the patient's skin throughout the treatment, and extreme care is taken to make this process completely painless.
Dr Azeem Khan is our specialist in the Department of Acupuncture, and he has been associated with us for a year. He holds the license and membership of the Indian Academy of Education Science, which is well recognised in the field of acupuncture.
Problems Treated through Acupuncture
Diseases related to Head and Neck: migraine and cervical spondylitis
Diseases related to Limbs and Musculoskeletal: pain in musculoskeletal, arthritis, chronic osteoarthritis, and low back pain
Diseases related to digestion: irritable bowel syndrome, acidity and gas, and constipation
Diseases related to Respiratory System: chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma
Diseases related to Cardio Vascular System: angina pain and high blood pressure
Diseases related to Urinary System: frequent urination and an increased prostate
Diseases related to Females: irregular periods, leucorrhea, and others
Diseases related to Sexual Dysfunction: impotence and azoospermia
Diseases related to Eyes: optic problems and blurred vision
Diseases related to ENT: sinusitis, ear pain, tonsillitis, laryngitis and cystic fibrosis deafness
Diseases related to Skin: Acne, chronic eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes, and falling hair
Our Efforts
We have put in our best efforts to provide economically backward people with all the possible facilities at JAHRC. We strive to make specially-abled people a part of society by providing them with all the means they need. The Department of Acupuncture is working towards the achievement of this goal and will be engaged with treating other conditions soon.
At JeevanAsha Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, all these health concerns are treated at very low rates using the latest technological assessment tools and machinery with the best medical aids under the supervision of efficient and eminent doctors.